HCLT accepts gifts made in honor or in memory of a loved one. This is a very meaningful way to honor someone special. Donations are put to work to help preserve our most treasured places...forever.
Simply indicate whether the gift is in honor or memory and who your gift is in honor or in memory of with the donation. If you would like for a family member to be notified of a memorial gift, please include their name and mailing address or email if preferred. These gifts will be acknowledged as gifts in honor or in memory of your loved one in our annual report unless otherwise indicated.
Simply indicate whether the gift is in honor or memory and who your gift is in honor or in memory of with the donation. If you would like for a family member to be notified of a memorial gift, please include their name and mailing address or email if preferred. These gifts will be acknowledged as gifts in honor or in memory of your loved one in our annual report unless otherwise indicated.
To learn more about other ways you can contribute to HCLT, contact Julie Schott at
(828) 526-1111 or [email protected]
(828) 526-1111 or [email protected]